School Day
8.30am Gates open
Breakfast is served in Little Gems for any child who would like it.
8.35-8.45am - Classroom doors open
8.50am Registration
9am Worship
9.25am Morning school
12 noon - R+KS1/12.15pm - KS2 Lunch followed by playtime.
12.45pm - R+KS1/1pm - KS2 Afternoon school
3.15pm Home time – please pick up your child from the classroom door.
Picking up your child
You can pick your child up from their classroom each evening. This is a good time to speak to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns.
Please ensure we know who is picking up your child. If it is someone we have not met we will need to know their full name and they will need to bring ID with them when they come to pick up your child. Please call the school office to notify of any changes to pick up.