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Bath and Wells MAT

Governance BWMAT

About us

The Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust was established in 2012. Our 37 primary schools’ range in size from 115 to 460 pupils and cover the 0-11 age range. Trust schools are clustered into four geographical areas in Bath, North Somerset, Taunton, and South Somerset and are located within market towns and more rural communities.

Our Vision

We are driven to ensure an outstanding education for every child, enhanced by a distinctive Christian ethos within our Trust FAMILY. This work is underpinned by a set of key values:

  • Educational and Aspirational Values
  • Moral and Christian Values
  • Collaborative Values

This means we are constantly striving to offer the very best teaching and learning, led by committed staff who are supported at every step of their career by strong Leaders and our Trust team.

We also share our values of kindness, respect, forgiveness, perseverance, and love. These are more than words; they drive our lived experiences within the Trust family. We want to help develop our family and those who work and are educated within it to flourish.

How we achieve this

Our staff work as a team, within their own schools and in the wider Trust family, with teaching and non-teaching staff equally committed to their own professional standards and development. We provide opportunities for all our practitioners to share best practice, develop expertise, draw on local, national, and international research and form partnerships within and beyond the Trust.

We are also committed to communication and health and wellbeing support for every member of our team, including governors.


We want every child to fulfil their dreams and potential. In one of our children’s words ‘to be the best version of me I can be’. See video below.



We are committed to enabling each child the best start in their early years, experience the best quality provision and ensure the chance to change and to positively develop through learning.

Contact Details & Further Information

CEO: Nikki Edwards

Address: St Nicholas Church School, Kilmersdon Road, Radstock, Bath BA3 3QH

Email: enquiries@bwmat.org

Company Number: 08207095

Website: www.bwmat.org